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CMC Creates New EV Vitalization Working Group

California Mobility Center

By Mark Rawson, Chief Operating Officer, CMC

The California Mobility Center (CMC) is establishing the EV Fleet Vitalization Working Group (Working Group) under the purview of the CMC’s Compliance and Policy Committee (Committee) to collaborate on key advocacy issues impacting fleets’ successful transition to electric in California. The key areas of mutual interest include:

  • Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fleets Infrastructure Streamlining and Support

  • Light-Duty Fleets – CALeVIP Modifications

  • Streamlined Permitting and Interconnection

  • Total Cost of Ownership Standardization

This Committee comprised of CMC Members covers a broad landscape of important factors which impact the mobility industry. The Committee is chartered to identify the various elements of California’s policy and compliance landscape, prioritize CMC and membership’s objectives, and then develop and implement a strategy to achieve these mutual goals and objectives. Unique skills, experiences, relationships, and connections are required to navigate these issues. To support the CMC, California Strategies & Advocacy (CSA) has been secured as a key Strategic Partner and will lead the Committee and Working Group.

The CMC is committed to developing programming and facilitating collaboration tailored to its Members and Clients. AMPLY Power, a Client and Member of the CMC, has been working to form a coalition of fleet owners and operators, automotive OEMs, utilities, and charging infrastructure companies to advocate for streamlining and supporting EV fleet deployments in California. The CMC is championing this coalition by creating the Working Group that will draft position papers and provide comments on regulatory issues, as well as facilitate with key state agencies, Governor’s Office, and legislature to help achieve the outcomes for the key areas of mutual interest.

Leveraging CSA’s proven model of collaboration, the Working Group participants, CMC and CSA will seek consensus on positions developed by the Working Group by facilitating the deliberations from “the center of the room”.

Participation in the Working Group is free to Members of the CMC. For non-CMC Members, the CMC has created a Special Member category for participation in this Working Group. If you are interested, please email for more details.

Come join us and become part of the solution to reducing friction for fleet electrification!


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