The CMC invites you to a complimentary Thought Leadership webinar, Large Scale Electric Vehicle Deployment Impacts on Electric System Reliability-Risk Mitigation and Future Opportunities, being held on Zoom March 22, 2022, from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. PST. This public webinar will be led by a panel of industry experts who will discuss large scale electric vehicle deployment impacts on electric system reliability-risk mitigation and future opportunities.
Mike Walker, strategic advisor to the CMC, will lead Joe Eto, senior advisor at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Ryan Quint, senior manager BPS security and grid transformation at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Bryan Jungers director of mobility at E Source, and Mark Warner, VP of Gabel Associates, in a discussion on EV charging and electric system reliability impacts, both issues to be managed and opportunities for EV to contribute to electric system reliability.
Discussions are taking place nation-wide regarding a broad range of managed charging initiatives to facilitate the efficient deployment of the massive capital investment required to support the growing electric load associated with projected EV deployment in California and across the country. Perhaps less well publicized are the efforts being taken to look at the operational impacts of EV charging impacts on electric system reliability, as well as the potential opportunity for EV resources to provide ancillary services supporting electric system reliability.
This CMC webinar will allow attendees to listen to Joe, Ryan, Bryan and Mark provide their perspectives regarding how the large-scale addition of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure might impact electric system reliability, including both the identification and management of risks, as well as opportunities for EVs to make positive contributions. The discussion will include an overview of a recent U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) study focused on the performance of EVs during grid faults. This study is among a series of recent DOE sponsored studies regarding the potential impacts of large-scale EV deployment on electric system reliability. The panelists will also discuss how EVs can support electric grid reliability moving forward as the growth of EVs continues across North America.